Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tuesday, February 19

A beautiful day, with a slight dusting of snow covering up the ice. All the rain got rid of some of the accumulated snow, but not much of it. As we drove into Perth light misty drifts of light snow skittered across the road and the sunny landscape was sculptured and shiny. Good thing the driving was good as we had a "health day", i.e. we had a non-stop schedule of medical appointments. Routine blood tests for me first thing, breakfast out, a stress test for Bill -- he has another blockage in his arteries unfortunately. We had suspected it , but the doctor adminstering the stress test "did not seem to be too worried" so long as Bill sees the heart specialist soon, and gets an angiogram set up. Bill is allowed to work as long as he uses "good judgement". This was followed by a drive to Ottawa where Bill renewed his passport. We want to be prepared in case we have to make a hurried trip to England. Mother is increasingly frail and sits in her chair or sleeps an awful lot. And then I had a broken tooth dealt with!

The reality of getting old -- an endless round of appointments. so this is why we stop working and retire!

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