Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Wednesday, January 9

Gale force winds blew today -- adding to the great variety of weather we are having.

The winds averaged about 60 km/h, with gusts up to 90 km/h -- caused by a rapidly intense low pressure system that brought rain -- and a short period of thunder and lightning! We have sure had it all lately. The winds were caused by a cold front coming in to displace all the warmish weather we have been having.

I would certainly be nervous about walking in the woods today -- and Bill sensibly decided to stay home and not go out cutting trees down for firewood, when he could not be sure where the tree might fall, as well as danger from falling limbs and indeed whole trees.

I have actually watched a tree fall -- on a canoe trip in Algonguin Park. I was ambling along a portage, with Bill striding ahead carrying the canoe. I heard an ominous creak and looked around. About 25 m off in the bush, I could see a tree swaying in the calm, still forest, noticing that it was not swaying my way. I watched it fall with great interest...

"Are you OK?" shouted Bill when he heard the crash. According to him, I should have run away as soon as I saw the tree start swaying. "I was in no danger," I argued, "and it was absolutely fascinating". We started back down the trail to collect the rest of our gear from the lake head. Round the corner, about 20 m from where I had been standing watching, we came across the tree -- lying right acros the pathway. Maybe Bill has a point...

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