Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Monday, January 14

We had several days of semi-bare land, with the roads, laneways and some fields -- especially towards Perth -- almost free of snow. Apparently it was not quite as clear up in the Laurentians, as Aidan reported that his driveway is still icy.

The construction debris was starting to show through the snow here on our property, so it was a good thing that it snowed all today! Bill went down to Ferguson Falls with Andrew to cut out dead trees for sale as firewood. They have hired a skidder for the day, so got a lot done. Bill seemed fine after a full day's work, but sore!

With my cast still on my foot, I was not going anywhere, and sat at home looking out of the window. Finally the birds have discovered the feeders, and are munching away enthusiastically. Lots of chicakees and a couple of white-breasted nuthatchs. Ivan the cat is very excited and rushs from window to window stalking them all. Not keen to go out in the snow however, but at least he is getting some exercise.

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