Saturday, March 15, 2008

Thursday, March 13 A Tale of Snow

Aidan, my son, is following in the blended family tradition and working in the maple syrup industry this year -- a seasonal job which fits in very well with his music. He is crew boss for a large operation owned by English-speaking Quecbecers near his home. He works six days a week tramping around in 6 feet of snow putting taps in the maple trees so they are ready when the sap starts to run -- which it does when the temperature is about 0 during the day, and below freezing at night. Last Sunday, he spent his day off digging out from the last storm. And when he got home from work today, the police knocked at his door and told him to get the snow off his roof! More work, but there have been a couple of nasty incidents -- a house in Ottawa split apart at the apex of the roof and has been condemned, and the roof of a warehouse in Quebec collapsed killing three people. So it is wise to be cautious.

To round out his snowy day, the Montreal Canadiens suffered a humiliating defeat in ice hockey by the Ottawa Senators.

Better luck tomorrow, Aidan!

Go Senators Go!

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